About Us

Business & Staffing Consultants

Scott Long

Scott Long

Mr. Long has been in the IT industry for over 25 years, first as an Application & Database Developer, then he started up 3 different companies to work in the Private and Public Sectors and won large contracts with Retail, Banking, Healthcare and Government clients. After being bought out in 2016, Mr. Long started ProRec in 2016 to continue his vision in working with employees and clients with trusting and prosperous relationship and build an exceptional team environment.

Maureen Weigl

Maureen Weigl

Ms. Weigl is a retired Army Colonel and experienced Program Manager. She managed recruiting in the military and has executive and human resource management experiences. Ms. Weigl worked with large corporations and other small businesses on Government contracts and successfully helped many business win State, Federal and DoD contracts. Her vision is to ensure ProRec Resource Solutions continues to serve clients exceptionally but also to ensure Veterans find meaningful careers.